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Punctuality and Attendance

At Crawford’s we want your child to get the best from their education, therefore, we have worked with other local schools and the Educational Welfare Officer to support the highest possible levels of attendance and punctuality. We know that attendance is a major factor which impacts directly on how well children do at school. It is a focus nationally and the aim is that more children will reach their potential through improved attendance and punctuality. It is a parent/carer’s legal responsibility to ensure their child attends school daily. Whilst we understand that children do become ill throughout the year, consistent attendance should result in attendance of a percentage close to 95%. We want to raise the profile of attendance and to inform you of our current practice. 
 School gate opens at 8.35am 


• School opens to pupils at 8.35am


• Registration takes place at 8.45 am 


• Registers close at 9.00am (after this, lateness is recorded as an unauthorised absence)  


• Afternoon registration is taken at 13.10
Where attendance drops below 95%, parents will be notified, as will persistent lateness. The purpose of the letter is to alert parents as to their child’s attendance rate, which they can then compare with the target set. 
Where attendance continues to drop and goes below 90% a further letter will be issued. Attendance will be closely monitored and further unauthorised absence may be referred to the Education Welfare Officer.  


Holiday Leave Entitlement

Please be advised that the school’s Attendance Policy is available under the Policies section of the website.  A paper copy can also be obtained from the office. The policy is reviewed annually by the Governing Body.


This policy is set in line with the Tilian Partnership of schools. With regards to holidays in term-time, it is the Partnership's policy not to grant leave of absence for a holiday other than in the most exceptional circumstances – as listed within the Attendance Policy. Please click here for an 'Application for Leave of Absence' form.


Below is a quotation directly from the Department for Education Circular:

'Amendments to the 2006 regulations remove references to family holiday and extended leave as well as the statutory threshold of ten school days. The amendments make clear that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.' 

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