In response to Covid-19 we have developed a 'tiered
approach' to focus on school catch-up and
our immediate priorities.
Please see the image below...
In response to Covid-19 we have developed a 'tiered
approach' to focus on school catch-up and
our immediate priorities.
Please see the image below...
Crawford's C of E
Primary School
What is it?
The government has focused on improving the performance of groups that are falling behind their peers. One such group is pupils on free school meals (FSM); the government have directly funded these pupils by use of a grant called Pupil Premium. Other groups are also funded through this mechanism, i.e. children who are looked after (LAC) and children who are in families where a parent is a member of the armed services.
The allocation for the pupil premium is £1385 for any pupil who has received free school meals at any time in their schooling, £2410 for LAC pupils and £320 for service pupils.
For more information on Pupil Premium please click here.
Currently, we have x30 pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium. This is 40% of our school.
How do we use the funding?
We target the spending for this funding to the pupils in these groups. Firstly, to ensure they are enabled to achieve as highly as other pupils and secondly to support the progress of these pupils so that it compares with all other pupils (and where performance is lower for pupil premium children than the gap between them and other pupils will be narrowed).
One of the most effective ways to do this is by ensuring high-quality first teaching takes place. Therefore, class teachers tend to work with these pupils closely to offer the highest level of expertise. Small group, scaffolded learning is used to target specific areas of weakness. Intervention groups are also administered (where purposeful and impactful) by support staff. In addition, each class is assigned an academic coach/support staff member who serves as their Pupil Premium Champion. This has shown significant positive progress over the last year and the pupils benefit from the individual attention and support received.
Most recently, we have enhanced the work on phonics for our younger pupils by building a sustainable professional development programme. This, in particular, has involved working with The English Hub (via Myland Primary School) for the past 3 three years in order to offer high-quality delivery of systematic and planned approaches to reading; we follow the Letters & Sounds approach in phonics, Reciprocal Reading in KS1 and KS2 for comprehension and The Write Stuff for structured sentence writing (we embellish this by using bespoke approaches, in particular for non-fiction writing). We also use the White Rose Maths scheme for a maths mastery approach. This, in particular, has involved working with the National Centre of Excellence of Teaching Mathematics (NCETM) for the past two years.
In order to ensure these pupils have access to the extra-curricular activities and trips on offer, we support the funding of these, where possible. We believe it is essential that these pupils have the same opportunities for extracurricular activities in order to help them develop physically, socially, and emotionally.
Please contact the school office if you wish to discuss how we can support your child’s access to extra-curricular activities.
The important role parents play in young learners' education cannot be underestimated, therefore, we encourage parents to come and help where possible (please contact the office if you have some time you could volunteer).
For further information on Pupil Premium spending to date, for 2022-2023, please click the link for more information.
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement