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Children's Voice.


Children are given the opportunity to have a say in the running of the school through various councils and groups.


School Councillors are representatvies from evey year group from Year 1 and are voted in by their classmates. These are extremely important roles within the school.  The children are expected to discuss and decide on things that matter to the pupils and help with school events such as Harvest Festival and charity fundraisers.  They are expected to embody the school's values and visions.


Sports captains are chosen from years 5 and 6. Each year we have up to two house and sports captains per house. They lead our houses named after the precious gemstones - Emerald, Diamond, Ruby, and Amber.Interested pupils are asked to apply for the roles to Mr Robinson, our Enrichment and PE lead teacher.  The captains play a pivotal role in the organisation of sporting events, especially our Sports Day in the Summer term. and lead the intra-house competitions.  They help with the organisation of PE equipment and support Mr Robinson in the organisation of special activity days. Our captains represent the school and are expected to demonstrate good sportsmanship at all times.



We also have Collective Worship Leads. These children are chosen from Key Stage 2 to assist in the running of our daily collective worship.  They enact moral and biblical stories, lead prayers and set up the collective worship items. 



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